
When it comes to legality, ZenMate VPN is relatively straightforward. The company is based in Germany, which means that it is subject to German law.

ZenMate does not make any secret of its relationship with the German government, which is why it is classified as a “certified secure vendor” by the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI). This means that ZenMate is qualified to provide secure online services to government organizations and businesses.

ZenMate also complies with the lAWS of the countries in which it operates. For example, the company is registered with the French authorities and is subject to French law.

ZenMate also respects the lAWS of the countries in which it has servers. For example, ZenMate does not operate servers in the United States because the US government has not granted the company a permit to do so.

In short, ZenMate is a legal company that respects the lAWS of the countries in which it operates. If you are looking for a VPN that is legal in all of the countries in which you plan to use it, ZenMate is a good option.