
If Windows can’t communicate with the device or resource primary DNS server, it could be because of a problem with the network or the DNS server. If the network is working, it’s likely that the problem is with the DNS server.

Microsoft recommends that you contact your network administrator to check the network and the DNS server. If the network is working and the DNS server is working, the problem could be with the device or the software that is using the device.

If the device is working, the problem could be with the software or with the device itself. If the device is working, the problem could be with the software, the network, or the DNS server.

If the device is not working, the problem could be with the software, the network, or the DNS server. If the device is not working, the problem could be with the hardware, the software, or the network.

If the network is working, the problem could be with the software or with the DNS server. If the network is not working, the problem could be with the hardware or the software.

If the DNS server is working, the problem could be with the software or with the network. If the DNS server is not working, the problem could be with the hardware or the software.