
Punycode was designed to make it easy for international users to register domain names in the Domain Name System DNS. However, Punycode does not allow for the full range of international characters, which means that some domain names cannot be registered using Punycode.

Punycode is a format that uses small numbers and symbols to represent large numbers of characters from other languages. It is designed to make it easy for computers to represent international characters.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that helps computers find the addresses of websites. When a user types a website address into a browser, the browser looks for the address in the Domain Name System.

The Domain Name System DNS is a database of international domain names. The Domain Name System DNS is a part of the Domain Name System, which is a system that helps computers find the addresses of websites.

However, Punycode does not allow for the full range of international characters, which means that some domain names cannot be registered using Punycode. The Domain Name System DNS is a part of the Domain Name System, which is a system that helps computers find the addresses of.