
Network DLP is a security feature that is used to protect sensitive data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. By scanning the network for unauthorized access, it can help to prevent data breaches and protect the information that is important to your business.

DLP can be used in a number of different ways, including to:

Prevent unauthorized access to sensitive files: By scanning for unauthorized access, DLP can help to prevent employees from accessing sensitive files that they are not authorized to access.

By scanning for unauthorized access, DLP can help to prevent employees from accessing sensitive files that they are not authorized to access. Detect and stop data breaches: By detecting potential data breaches, DLP can help to prevent unauthorized access to company data and protect the information that is important to your business.

By detecting potential data breaches, DLP can help to prevent unauthorized access to company data and protect the information that is important to your business. Protect against cybercrime: By scanning the network for unauthorized activity, DLP can help to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your company’s data.

There are a number of reasons why network DLP is a must-have for businesses of all sizes. By using DLP, you can help to protect your data from unauthorized access and protect your business from potential data breaches.