
Avast is a popular antivirus software program that is available for both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.

Some people have reported that Avast can cause problems with Windows 10.

Some people have reported that Avast can cause problems with Windows 10. For example, Avast can stop Windows 10 from starting up or it can cause Windows 10 to stop working correctly.

Another problem that people have reported is that Avast can cause problems with the Windows 10 operating system. For example, Avast can cause Windows 10 to stop working correctly or it can cause Windows 10 to stop starting up.

Overall, it is unclear whether or not Avast is the cause of these problems, but it is important to be aware of the potential issues that it can cause. If you are having problems with your Windows 10 computer, it is best to seek the help of a qualified technician.