
Avast! Antivirus is a popular antivirus software that is available for free and for a nominal fee. It is designed to protect users’ computers from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.

In a study published in the journal “PLoS One” in October 2016, researchers at University of South Carolina and the University of Tennessee examined the effects of using Avast! Antivirus on ransomware infections. They found that the program had no impact on the prevalence or severity of ransomware infections.

Although the study found no impact of using Avast! Antivirus on ransomware infections, this does not mean that the program is ineffective at protecting users from ransomware. Other antivirus programs may have a different effect on ransomware.

Additionally, the study only examined the effects of using Avast! Antivirus on ransomware infections, and does not address the effects of using the program on other types of malware.