
Is PureVPN Server Located in China?

There is no definitive answer, as PureVPN does not disclose its location of its servers. However, based on circumstantial evidence and public statements by the company, it is likely that PureVPN servers are located in China.

One piece of evidence that suggests PureVPN servers are located in China is the fact that the company has been aggressively marketing its service in the country. For example, PureVPN has set up offices in China and has hired Chinese employees.

Additionally, the company has partnered with China-based providers to offer its services in the country. .

Furthermore, PureVPN has been critical of the Chinese government. For example, the company has spoken out against the Chinese government’s censorship policies.

Thus, it is possible that PureVPN does not want its servers to be located in China in order to avoid government scrutiny.

In the end, it is impossible to say for certain whether PureVPN’s servers are located in China. However, based on the evidence, it is likely that the company’s servers are located in the country.