
As the internet has become more ubiquitous, more people are using it to conduct private business and communicate with friends and family. However, with so many people using the internet, it’s also become a Target for hackers and other criminals.

There are a number of ways to protect your online privacy. First, always use a secure password. Second, don’t share personal information, such as your social security number, online. Third, be cautious about what you share online.

Fourth, be cautious about what cookies and other tracking technologies you use. Fifth, be aware of what websites and apps track your browsing activity.

Finally, always remember that your online privacy is not guaranteed. There are a number of ways attackers can access your personal information, including through phishing attacks and through data breaches at companies like Equifax.

So, it’s important to be proactive about protecting your online privacy and to use all the resources available to you.