
Adding a Domain Key to Your DNS

Adding a domain key to your DNS can help keep your website and email servers more secure. A domain key is a unique set of numbers and letters that identifies your website.

When a user tries to visit your website, the DNS server will look up the domain key and use it to encrypt the website’s address. This way, if someone were to intercept the user’s request and replace your website’s address with their own, they would still be viewing the wrong site.

To add a domain key to your DNS, you’ll first need to purchase a domain name and register it with a domain name registration provider. Once you’ve registered the domain name, you’ll need to obtain a domain key from the domain name registration provider.

You can either request a domain key directly from the provider or find a third-party provider that offers domain key registration. Once you’ve obtained the domain key, you’ll need to add it to your DNS records.

Once you’ve added the domain key to your DNS records, you’ll need to restart your DNS server for the changes to take effect. Additionally, you’ll need to make sure that your users are using the updated DNS addresses when they try to visit your website.

If you have a hosted website, you’ll also need to update your hosting provider’s DNS settings.