
If you want to cancel your subscription to Avast, there are a few different ways to go about it.

The first and most direct way to cancel your subscription is to go to the website and log in. You’ll be able to see all of your active subscriptions, and if you want to cancel one, simply click on the Cancel Subscription button.

If you’re using the Avast app, you can also cancel your subscription by going to the Settings menu and selecting Subscriptions. From here, you can select your subscription and click on the Cancel Subscription button.

If you’re using the Avast Browser, you can cancel your subscription by going to the More submenu and selecting Subscriptions.

Finally, if you’re using the Avast SecureLine app, you can cancel your subscription by going to the More submenu and selecting Subscriptions.

If you want to continue using Avast, you can either cancel your current subscription or renew it. If you want to cancel your current subscription, go to the website and log in.

You’ll be able to see all of your active subscriptions, and if you want to cancel one, simply click on the Cancel Subscription button. .

If you want to renew your subscription, go to the website and log in. You’ll be able to see all of your active subscriptions, and if you want to renew one, simply click on the Renew Subscription button.

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions or issues with cancelling your subscription, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team.