
If you have decided that ExpressVPN is not the right VPN for you, there are a few ways to cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription through the ExpressVPN website, by texting “CANCEL” to 888-EXPRESSVPN (888-397-3792), or by calling ExpressVPN’s customer service line.

Cancelling your subscription through the ExpressVPN website is the easiest option. You will need your account ID and password, and you will be prompted to enter these details when you attempt to cancel your subscription.

If you have not logged in to your account recently, you will be prompted to create a new account before you can cancel your subscription.

Cancelling your subscription through text message is also easy. Simply text “CANCEL” to 888-EXPRESSVPN (888-397-3792), and you will be prompted to enter your account ID and password.

You will not need to create a new account if you have not logged in to your account recently.

Cancelling your subscription through phone call is the last option. You will need to call ExpressVPN’s customer service line and speak to a representative.

You will be asked to provide your account ID and password, and you will be able to cancel your subscription by speaking to a representative.

If you decide to cancel your subscription, be sure to do so quickly. ExpressVPN reserves the right to cancel your subscription without warning if you do not cancel within 24 hours.