
If you’re unhappy with your CyberGhost subscription and want to cancel it, there are a few ways to do so.

Cancel Your CyberGhost Auto-Renewal

The easiest way to cancel your CyberGhost subscription is to go to the website and click on the “Cancel My Subscription” link in the overview column at the top of the page.

If you’ve already auto-renewed your subscription, you’ll need to find the “Cancel My Auto-Renewal” link at the bottom of your billing cycle notice. Clicking on that link will take you to a page where you can cancel your subscription.

If you’ve never used CyberGhost before, you can start by downloading the company’s free trial. After you’ve had a chance to try the service, you can decide if you want to keep it by subscribing.

Cancel Your CyberGhost Account

If you want to cancel your entire CyberGhost account, you’ll need to contact the company by email. You can find the email address at the bottom of every page on the website.

To cancel your account, you’ll need to provide the following information: your full name, email address, and the password to your account.

After you’ve sent the email, you’ll need to wait for a response from the company. Depending on the result of your cancellation request, you may need to provide additional information, such as the serial number for your device.

If you decide to keep your CyberGhost account, you’ll need to update your password and ensure that you never lose access to your account information.


There are a few ways to cancel your CyberGhost subscription if you’re unhappy with it. The easiest way to do so is to go to the website and click on the “Cancel My Subscription” link in the overview column at the top of the page. However, if you’ve already auto-renewed your subscription, you’ll need to find the “Cancel My Auto-Renewal” link at the bottom of your billing cycle notice.

Clicking on that link will take you to a page where you can cancel your subscription. Finally, if you want to cancel your entire CyberGhost account, you’ll need to contact the company by email.