
Firewalls are a critical part of any computer security strategy. By restricting which traffic is allowed to enter or leave your network, firewalls can help protect your computer from attack.

To check your firewall’s vulnerability, follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and enter your network’s IP address in the address bar.

2. Click the “Firewall” icon in the lower-left corner of the browser window.

3. On the “Firewall” tab, click the “Status” button.

4. On the “Status” tab, click the “Incoming Connections” button.

5. On the “Incoming Connections” tab, click the “Ports” button.

6. On the “Ports” tab, click the “Firewall” button.

7. On the “Firewall” tab, click the “Rules” button.

8. On the “Rules” tab, click the “Create Rule” button.

9. On the “Create Rule” dialog box, enter the following information:

– Name: Firewall Rule

– Action: Allow

– Source: Local Interface

– Destination: All Traffic

– Protocol: All

– Comment: The firewall is open.