
SSL VPN connections are a great way to protect your data and keep your identity hidden when you’re connected to the internet from a public network like a coffee shop or airport. Setting up an SSL VPN on your Mac is easy, and there are a few different ways to do it.

The first way to connect to an SSL VPN is to open the macOS Settings app and click on the Network icon. From here, you can choose the VPN sub-tab and click on the Add VPN Connection button.

This will open a window where you can choose to connect to a specific VPN server.

The second way to connect to an SSL VPN is to open the macOS System Preferences app and click on the Network icon.

The final way to connect to an SSL VPN is to open the macOS Terminal app and type the following command:

sudo vpnsetup ssl

This will open a window where you can choose a VPN server to connect to. After you’ve connected to the server, you can type the following command to launch the VPN app:

sudo vpnapp

You can now disconnect from the VPN by typing the following command:

sudo vpndisconnect

If you want to connect to the VPN again, you can type the following command:

sudo vpnconnect

Finally, you can disconnect from the VPN by typing the following command:

sudo vpndisconnect