
Delegating a DNS Domain

When you want to delegate a DNS domain to another party, the process is fairly simple. You will need to create a delegation record and forward the appropriate zone files to the new DNS server.

The delegation process is as follows:

1. Log into your DNS server and navigate to the zone files that you want to delegate.

2. Create a delegation record for the zone you are working with. The format for the delegation record is as follows:

@ IN A 192.168.


3. Forward the zone files to the new DNS server. The format for the zone files you will need to forward is as follows:

4. Add the new DNS server to your DNS infrastructure.

5. Refresh the zone files on the DNS server to reflect the changes.

6. Test the delegation by querying the new DNS server for the zone.

The delegation process is fairly simple, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure that the new DNS server is properly configured and updated.

Second, be sure to properly forward the zone files to the new DNS server. Finally, test the delegation by querying the new DNS server for the zone.