
DNS (Domain Name System) is a hierarchical naming system for computers, phones, and other devices connected to the Internet. At its core, DNS assigns a three-part name to every device connected to the Internet, such as

com. DNS is used by devices to lookup the IP address of a website or other resource. .

To find a DNS domain name, you’ll need to use a DNS lookup tool. There are many DNS lookup tools available online, or you can use a command line tool. To use a DNS lookup tool, first enter the hostname or IP address of the resource you’re looking for. Then, enter the DNS domain name. For example, to lookup the IP address of www.

com, you would enter in the DNS lookup tool, and the DNS lookup tool would return the IP address of

To use a command line tool, you’ll need to install the DNSutils package. To use a command line tool, you’ll first need to determine the IP address of the device you’re looking for. Then, you can enter the command line tool, and type the following command:

nslookup [hostname] [DNS domain name]

For example, to lookup the IP address of, you would enter the following command:


The command line tool will return the IP address of google.