
One option for obtaining your DNS server address automatically is to use a Dynamic DNS service. A Dynamic DNS service will automatically update your DNS server address when you change your IP address.

There are a number of Dynamic DNS services available, so it is important to choose one that meets your needs.

Another option is to use a DDNS service. DDNS services will give you a permanent DNS server address that you can use to access your websites.

You will need to provide your DDNS service with your login information and your IP address. Once you have set up your DDNS service, you will need to periodically update your IP address so that your DNS server can keep track of it.

A final option is to use a proxy server. A proxy server will act as a middleman between your computer and the Internet.

This will allow you to bypass your DNS server and access websites directly. You will need to configure your proxy server to use your DNS server address.