
Configuring a firewalling policy in Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a two-step process. First, you must determine which services require a firewall and then create a firewall rule to allow or deny traffic for those services.

To determine which services require a firewall, you can use the lsof command. For example, to see which services are using port 22 on your system, you can use the following command:

lsof -i:22

The output of this command will list all the open ports on your system. To see which services are using port 22, you can use the following command:

lsof -i:22 -P

The -P flag will show you which services are using port 22. To see which services are using port 22 on your system, you can use the following command:

lsof -i:22 -P | sort

The output of this command will show you which services are using port 22 on your system. You can use the following command to create a firewall rule to allow or deny traffic for the services listed in the output of the lsof command:

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=22/tcp

The –add-port flag will add a firewall rule to allow traffic for port 22 on your system. The –permanent flag will make the rule permanent. The –add-port flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific port on your system. The –permanent flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific service on your system. The –add-port flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific host on your system. The –permanent flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific path on your system.

The –add-port flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific user on your system. The –permanent flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific group on your system. The –add-port flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific port on a specific host on your system. The –permanent flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific path on a specific host on your system. The –permanent flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific user on a specific host on your system. The –permanent flag can also be used to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for a specific service on a specific host on your system.

The following example shows how to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for the http service on port 80 on your system:

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=80/tcp

The following example shows how to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for the http service on port 443 on your system:

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=443/tcp

The following example shows how to add a firewall rule to allow traffic for the https service on port 443 on your system:

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=443/tcp –add-service=https.