
VPN is a technology that allows you to securely connect to a remote server to protect your privacy and anonymity. This is a great way to protect yourself when using public Wi-Fi networks, as your true identity and location will be hidden.

To check if you have VPN enabled on your Mac, open the System Preferences window and click on the “Network” icon. From here, you can select “VPN” from the list of options and see if it is currently active.

If it is not, you can enable it by clicking on the “Create VPN Connection” button.

Once you have VPN enabled, you will need to create a password and connect to a server. To find a VPN server that works best for you, we recommend using one of the VPN providers listed below.

Once you have connected to a VPN server, your traffic will be encrypted and sent to the remote server. This will protect your privacy and anonymity, and help to keep you safe when using public Wi-Fi networks.

However, remember that not all VPNs are created equal. Make sure you choose a provider that has a good reputation and is reliable.

Additionally, be sure to read the provider’s privacy policy to understand how they will use your data.

Finally, always be vigilance when using public Wi-Fi networks. Make sure to keep your security features enabled and be aware of who is around you.

By using a VPN, you can protect yourself from potential threats and keep your online privacy safe.