
There are a few ways to redirect a domain with DNS.

The most common way to redirect a domain is to set up a CNAME record. To do this, you need to know the name of the domain you want to redirect, the new name you want to give the domain, and the IP address of the DNS server.

To set up a CNAME record, you first need to find out the name of the domain you want to redirect. To do this, you can use a tool like DNS lookup or dig.

To find out the IP address of the DNS server, you can use a tool like dig or host.

Once you have the name of the domain and the IP address of the DNS server, you can create a CNAME record. To create the record, you need to type the following command:

cname domain name newname

For example, if you wanted to redirect the domain example.com to the new domain redirection.

example.com, you would type the following command:.

cname example.com redirection.com.

Once you have created the CNAME record, you need to add it to the DNS server. To do this, you can use a tool like nslookup or dig.

Once you have added the CNAME record, you need to restart the DNS server. To do this, you can use a tool like ntp or systemctl.

Once the DNS server has been restarted, you can test the redirect by entering the new domain name into a browser.