
Avast Subscription

If you’re unhappy with your Avast Subscription, or if you need to cancel it, there are a few things you need to know.

First, if you have a monthly subscription, you have 14 days to cancel it before it starts billing automatically again. If you have a yearly subscription, you have 30 days to cancel it.

If you cancel your subscription within the first 14 days, you will not be charged for that month. If you cancel after the 14th day, but before the end of the month, you will be charged for that month, and then be refunded for the remainder of the month.

If you cancel your subscription after the 14th day, but before the end of the month, you will not be charged for that month.

If you cancel your subscription after the 30th day, you will not be refunded at all.

If you have a yearly subscription, you can also cancel your subscription by emailing [email protected] with your order number.

In conclusion, if you need to cancel your Avast Subscription, there are a few steps you need to take. First, make sure you have the 14 or 30 days left on your subscription.

If you have already used those days, you will have to cancel through the website or by email.