
Avast! Antivirus is a popular antivirus software suite that is often included on Windows systems. Unfortunately, it can also be blacklisted by certain websites.

If you encounter a blacklisted URL that you need to access using Avast, there are a few things you can do.

The first step is to check whether Avast is currently installed on your system. If it is not, you can download and install it from the Avast website.

Once Avast is installed, you can access its blacklist by opening the Settings menu and selecting the Protection tab. Under the Protection group, you will see a list of blacklisted URLs.

To access a blacklisted URL, you will need to remove Avast from the blacklist. You can do this by selecting the URL and clicking on the Unblock button.

Once the URL has been unblocked, you can access it using the regular web browser.