
ExpressVPN is one of the most popular VPN services on the market. It has a wide range of features, including a strong no logs policy, and is one of the few providers that can be used on routers.

However, ExpressVPN is not always compatible with certain routers. If you are unable to connect to ExpressVPN using your current router, or if you want to switch to a different provider, there are a few ways to remove ExpressVPN from your router.

1. Uninstall ExpressVPN from your computer

If you are using ExpressVPN on a computer, the easiest way to remove it is to uninstall it. ExpressVPN has a built-in uninstaller that you can use to remove the program from your computer.

2. Remove ExpressVPN from your router

If you are using ExpressVPN on your router, the easiest way to remove it is to remove the ExpressVPN app from your router and then disable the ExpressVPN service. You can also manually disable the ExpressVPN service on your router by searching for “ExpressVPN” on your router’s settings menu and disabling the service.

3. Change your router’s settings

If you are using ExpressVPN on your router, but are unable to connect to it using your current router, you may need to change your router’s settings. You can find instructions for changing your router’s settings on ExpressVPN’s website.

4. Switch to a different provider

If you are unable to connect to ExpressVPN using your current router, or if you want to switch to a different provider, there are a few options available to you. One option is to switch to a different VPN provider. ExpressVPN is one of the most popular VPN providers, but there are a number of other providers that you may be able to use.

Another option is to use a different router. There are a number of different routers available on the market, and many of them are compatible with ExpressVPN.