
ExpressVPN Router Password Reset Instructions

If you have forgotten your ExpressVPN router password, there are a few methods you can use to reset it.

Option 1: Use the ExpressVPN App

If you have the ExpressVPN app installed on your device, you can use it to reset your router password.

To do this, open the ExpressVPN app and click on the menu icon in the top left corner.

Then, click on “Settings”.

On the “Settings” page, click on “Networking”.

Next, click on “Router”.

On the “Router” page, click on the “Password” tab.

Then, click on “Reset Password”.

Enter your current ExpressVPN router password, and then click on “Reset Password”.

Option 2: Reset the Router using a Web Browser

If you don’t have the ExpressVPN app installed on your device, you can reset your router using a web browser.

To do this, open a web browser on your device, and enter the following address:


On the “Reset Your Router” page, enter your ExpressVPN router’s IP address in the “Enter your ExpressVPN router’s IP address” box, and then click on “Reset”.

Option 3: Reset the Router Using a Command Line Interface

If you don’t have a web browser or if you don’t want to reset your router using a web browser, you can reset it using a command line interface.

To do this, open a command line interface on your device, and enter the following command:

resetrouter ExpressVPN

Enter your ExpressVPN router’s IP address in the “Enter your ExpressVPN router’s IP address” box, and then click on “OK”.

After resetting your ExpressVPN router, you will need to reconfigure it to use the new password.

To do this, open the ExpressVPN app, and click on “Settings”.

Then, click on “Networking”.

Enter your new ExpressVPN router password, and then click on “Reset Password”.

Finally, click on the “Save” button to save your changes.