
Avast is one of the most popular antivirus programs available on the market today. It is a reliable program that helps keep your computer safe from viruses and other malicious software.

However, like all programs, Avast can have some negative effects on your computer. If you find that Avast is constantly running in Windows 10, there are some steps you can take to stop it.

First, you can try to disable Avast completely. You can do this by going to the Start menu and typing “Avast” into the search bar. When the “Avast” app appears, click on it. On the main screen, click on the “Settings” tab.

Under “General,” uncheck the “Enable Avast” box. Restart your computer to apply these changes.

If disabling Avast does not work, you can try to reduce the frequency with which it runs. You can do this by going to the “Avast” app and clicking on the “Settings” tab.

Under “General,” click on the “Application Behavior” button. In the “Application Behavior” window, select the “Run Avast at startup” option and set the frequency to a lower value.

If disabling or reducing the frequency of Avast does not work, you can try to stop it from running altogether. You can do this by going to the “Start” menu and typing ” cmd ” into the search bar.

When the “Command Prompt” app appears, right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator.” When the “Command Prompt” window appears, type the following command:.

sc config avastdrv start=disabled

Press “Enter” to confirm the command. This will stop Avast from running in Windows 10.

If you still find that Avast is running too frequently, you can try to disable certain features of the program.

Under “General,” click on the “Features” button. In the “Features” window, select the “Avast Safe Search” and “Avast Real-time Protection” options and uncheck the box next to them.