
If you are using a VPN to protect your privacy and security, Windows 10 may periodically disconnect from the VPN connection. This can be frustrating, as it can make it difficult to stay secure and anonymous online.

There are a few things you can do to try to prevent this from happening. .

First, make sure that your VPN is up-to-date. Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs updates, so make sure that your VPN is also updated.

If your VPN is not up-to-date, you can manually download and install the latest update.

Second, make sure that your VPN is configured correctly. You may need to configure your VPN settings in Windows 10 to use the strongest encryption settings possible.

You can also try to connect to a different VPN server if you are having trouble connecting to the one you are using.

Finally, make sure that your computer is connected to the internet only through the VPN connection. If your computer is connected to the internet through other means, such as a Wi-Fi network, Windows 10 may try to connect to the internet through that network instead of through the VPN.

This can cause the VPN to disconnect from your computer.