
Kerio VPN Client is a free virtual private network (VPN) software that allows users to connect to remote networks and protect their online privacy. The software is available for both Windows and Mac OS X, and can be installed on a single computer or shared between multiple users.

To uninstall Kerio VPN Client on a Mac, follow these steps:

1. Open the App Store on your Mac and search for Kerio VPN Client.

2. Click the Kerio VPN Client app, and then click the “Uninstall” button in the app window.

3. Click the “Delete App” button in the confirmation window that appears.

4. Close the App Store on your Mac.

5. Remove Kerio VPN Client from your computer’s software library by following these steps:

a. Open the “Library” app on your Mac.

b. Click the “Applications” folder.

c. Locate Kerio VPN Client and click the “Uninstall” button.


e. Quit the Library app.

6. Remove Kerio VPN Client from your computer’s registry by following these steps:

a. Open the “Registry” app on your Mac. Click the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” key. Locate Kerio VPN Client and click the “Delete” button. Click the “OK” button in the confirmation window that appears. Quit the Registry app.

7. Remove Kerio VPN Client from your computer’s browser history by following these steps:

a. Open the “History” app on your Mac. Click the “History” tab. Click the “Delete” button next to Kerio VPN Client.

8. Close all open windows on your Mac.

9. Reboot your Mac.

10. Done.