
Avast Online Security is a comprehensive online security suite that provides users with a suite of tools to help protect their online identities and data. The suite includes features to help users keep their online activity safe and secure, including:

– Security scanning: Avast scans your computer for potential security threats, and provides recommendations on how to better protect yourself.

– Parental controls: Avast allows you to restrict access to certain websites and online content for your children.

– Identity theft protection: Avast provides a suite of tools to help protect your identity if you fall victim to identity theft.

– Anti-virus protection: Avast helps to protect your computer against viruses and other malware.

– Secure browsing: Avast provides a variety of features to make your browsing experience more secure, including the ability to encrypt your traffic and secure your browser with a password.

Overall, Avast Online Security is a comprehensive suite of tools that provides users with a variety of ways to keep their online activity safe and secure. It’s ideal for users who want to protect their online identities and data, and can be used to restrict access to certain websites and content for children.