
ProtonVPN is a powerful VPN service that is ideal for use on a Raspberry Pi. It provides a fast, secure connection that can be used to access blocked websites and protect your privacy online.

To install ProtonVPN on a Raspberry Pi, first make sure that you have the required software installed. The Raspbian operating system is available on a variety of hardware platforms, so you can install it on a Raspberry Pi using the instructions provided on the ProtonVPN website.

Once you have installed Raspbian, you can install ProtonVPN by following these instructions:

1. Open the Raspbian terminal window

2. Type the following command to install the ProtonVPN software:

sudo apt-get install protonvpn

3. Type the following command to start the ProtonVPN service:

sudo protonvpn start

4. To connect to ProtonVPN, type the following command:

protonvpn connect

5. To disconnect from ProtonVPN, type the following command:

protonvpn disconnect

To conclude, using ProtonVPN on a Raspberry Pi is a quick and easy way to protect your online privacy and access blocked websites. Simply install the software and start using the VPN service to get secure and private online.