
WireGuard is a new, open-source VPN daemon that implements the IEEE 802.3az standard for wireless local area networks (WLANs).

It uses a custom protocol and operates on the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands.

WireGuard is suitable for use on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. To install WireGuard on Windows, you first need to download and install the Windows WireGuard installer.

After the installer is finished, you need to open the Windows Security Settings and add a new rule that allows “WireGuard” traffic. Once the rule is added, you need to restart the computer to apply the changes.

To use WireGuard on Windows, you first need to create a WireGuard network. The network can be created using the Windows Networking Wizard or by using the command-line utility netcfg.

After the network is created, you need to join it to the local area network (LAN) using the command-line utility join-network. After the network is joined, you can use the command-line utility WireGuard start-server to start the WireGuard server.

To use WireGuard on MacOS, you first need to install the macOS Wireguard utility. After the utility is installed, you can use the command-line utility wireguard start-server to start the WireGuard server.

To use WireGuard on Linux, you first need to install the WireGuard utility.