
Avast logs can be extremely helpful in troubleshooting and diagnosing issues with your computer. However, they can also be overwhelming and difficult to understand.

In this article, we will walk you through the different ways to view and manage your Avast logs.

Option 1: View Avast Logs in a Web Browser

The first way to view your Avast logs is to open them in a web browser. To do this, first open your Avast account.

Then, click on the “Logs” tab. Finally, select the “Avast” log from the list.

The log will open in a web browser window. You can click on any of the sections to view more detailed information. For example, the “Hosts” section will list all the hostnames that were detected by Avast.

The “Logs” section will list all the logs that were generated by Avast. The “Diagnostics” section will list all the diagnostics that were run on your computer.

Option 2: View Avast Logs in a Text Editor

Another way to view your Avast logs is to open them in a text editor.

The log will open in a text editor window. You can then view the log in a variety of ways.

For example, you can scroll down to view all the logs, or you can select a log to view more detailed information.

Option 3: Export and Import Avast Logs

Another way to view and manage your Avast logs is to export and import them. You can then select the “Export” button to export the log to a file. The file will be saved in the “Avast” folder.

You can then select the “Import” button to import the log from a file.

The “Export” and “Import” buttons will only work if the “Avast” log is the only log in the list. If there are other logs in the list, the “Export” and “Import” buttons will not work.

Option 4: View Avast Logs in a Command Prompt

Another way to view your Avast logs is to open them in a command prompt.

The log will open in a command prompt window.

The command prompt window will also show you the command that was used to generate the log. For example, the command “netstat -ano” will show all the network connections that were detected by Avast.


Viewing and managing your Avast logs can be a helpful way to troubleshoot and diagnose issues with your computer. However, it can be difficult to understand the log information.

In this article, we have described four different ways to view and manage your Avast logs.