
Application Level Firewall (ALF) is a network security technology that is used to protect applications and data from unauthorized access. ALF can be deployed on an individual computer or on a network.

ALF works by monitoring traffic that is sent and received by applications on a computer. If a suspicious or unauthorized packet is detected, ALF will block the packet from entering or exiting the computer.

This prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data or disrupting system operations.

ALF can be used to protect a variety of applications, including email, browser traffic, and network traffic. By monitoring traffic in this way, ALF can prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in applications and gaining access to sensitive data.

Additionally, ALF can help protect against malware and viruses. By monitoring traffic for malicious content, ALF can prevent malware from infecting computers.

Additionally, by blocking virus-infected traffic, ALF can help to protect users from infection.

Overall, application level firewall is a useful tool that can help to protect computers from unauthorized access and malware. By monitoring traffic in this way, ALF can help to protect users from infection and disruption.