
If you are unable to access a website or you are getting an error message when you try to visit it on your computer, you may need to unblock it. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest ways is to use a VPN app.

To unblock a website on your computer, first open Chrome on your computer. Next, go to the website that you want to unblock.

In the top right corner of the window, click the three lines in the bottom left corner. This will open the website in a new tab.

To unblock a website on your mobile device, first open Chrome on your mobile device.

Next, click the three lines in the top right corner of the new tab. This will open the Settings menu. Click on the Advanced tab. Under the Network section, click on the Settings button next to the network you want to use.

In the Settings menu, click on the Security tab. In the Security menu, click on the OK button next to the Use a VPN app to access this site option.

In the VPN app settings, click on the Add a VPN app link. In the Add a VPN app window, click on the Google Chrome link.

In the Google Chrome window, click on the OK button. Finally, click on the OK button in the Add a VPN app window.

Now, you will be able to access the website that you wanted to unblock.