
CyberGhost is a popular VPN service with a good reputation. However, there is some concern that it may be malware.

CyberGhost is advertised as a “secure and private” VPN service, but recent reports suggest that it may not be as safe as it seems.

One concern is that CyberGhost may be collecting user data in an intrusive way. For example, the company may be tracking user activity even when the user is not connected to the VPN service.

Another concern is that CyberGhost may be vulnerable to cyberattacks. For example, the company may not be using strong enough security measures to protect its data from hackers.

Overall, CyberGhost is a good VPN service, but there are some concerns that it may not be as safe as it seems. If you are concerned about the safety of your data, it is best to opt for a different VPN service.