
Web Proxy vs VPN: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to online privacy, people tend to think of VPNs and web proxies in the same light. But there actually is a big difference between the two services.

VPNs encrypt all of your traffic, protecting you from prying eyes. This is important if you’re concerned about your privacy and want to keep your communications private.

Web proxies, on the other hand, simply act as a “pass through” for your web browsing. This means that the proxy will see the web pages that you visit, but not the information that you send or receive.

This is useful if you want to keep your browsing activity private, but don’t want to use a VPN.

There are also a few other differences between the two services. For example, VPNs are usually much more expensive than web proxies, and they typically work better if you want to connect to a specific location (such as a company’s office).

Web proxies, on the other hand, are more general purpose and can be used anywhere.

So, in general, web proxies are a less secure way to protect your online privacy, while VPNs are more expensive and may not work as well in certain situations. But, on average, web proxies are easier to use and are generally less expensive.

So, if you’re just looking for a way to keep your browsing activity private, a web proxy may be a better option for you.