
Firewalls protect computers and networks by preventing unauthorized access to data and by detecting and blocking attacks. There are two main types of firewall: network firewalls and host firewalls.

A network firewall protects a network by blocking unauthorized access to the network and its computers. A host firewall protects a single computer by preventing unauthorized access to the computer’s data and resources.

A network firewall is a more comprehensive solution, protecting not only the network but also the computers on the network. A host firewall is a more limited solution, protecting only the computer it is installed on.

A network firewall can be installed on a network to protect it from unauthorized access. A host firewall can be installed on a single computer to protect it from unauthorized access from the network and from other computers on the network.

A host firewall can be installed on a single computer to protect it from unauthorized access from the network and from other computers on the network.

A host firewall can be installed on a single computer to protect it from unauthorized access from the network and.