
When you try to connect to a DNS server, but the server can’t be found or is not responding, this might indicate a problem with the DNS server or the network connection. Possible causes of these errors include a faulty DNS server, a broken network connection, or a problem with the computer you are trying to connect to.

If you are unable to connect to a DNS server, it is possible that the DNS server is not up to date or that the network connection is not working correctly. It is also possible that the computer you are trying to connect to is not configured correctly.

To troubleshoot these issues, you will need to check the DNS server settings on your computer, check the network connection, and test the connection to the DNS server.

If the DNS server is not up to date, you can update the DNS server. If the network connection is not working correctly, you can try a different network connection.

If the connection to the DNS server is still not working, you might need to troubleshoot the connection to the DNS server.