
In computing, a DNS server is a server that provides name resolution for hostnames to the Internet. By default, a DNS server provides resolution for the names of computers on the same local network, and can be configured to provide resolution for other types of names, such as domain names.

A DNS server is often the first server that a client contacts when it wants to resolve a name. For example, when a user types the name “google.

com” into a browser, the browser looks for a DNS server that can answer the question “What is the IP address for” If the DNS server is not on the same local network as the user, the DNS server may request that the user’s ISP provide the answer.

A DNS server can also be used to resolve domain names. For example, if a user types the domain name “example.

com” into a browser, the DNS server can look up the IP address for the “www” portion of the domain name and provide the answer to the question “What is the IP address for the website at”.