
DNS inverse domain lookup is a technique used by name servers to resolve domain names to IP addresses. When a user requests to access a website, the name server will look up the domain name in its DNS database and look up the corresponding IP address.

If the IP address is not found in the DNS database, the name server will use the DNS inverse domain lookup to find the IP address for the domain name. .

Inverse domain lookup is used when the domain name and IP address for the website are not known in advance. For example, if a user requests to access the website, the name server will look up the IP address for example.

com in its DNS database. If the IP address is not found, the name server will look up the domain name in its DNS database and resolve the domain name to the IP address.

Inverse domain lookup can be used to resolve domain names to IP addresses when the domain name and IP address for the website are known in advance. For example, if a user wants to access the website, the name server will look up the IP address for www. If the IP address is found, the name server will use the DNS inverse domain lookup to find the domain name

Inverse domain lookup is a technique used by name servers to resolve domain names to IP addresses.