
A port is a special type of firewall rule that allows specific traffic to flow through a firewall. Ports can be used to allow traffic for specific applications, servers, or ports on a network.

They are also used to allow traffic for specific users or groUPS of users.

A port is typically assigned a number, and is associated with a particular application. For example, the port number for the HTTP protocol is 80.

When you open a port on a firewall, you are telling the firewall to allow traffic on that port for the application associated with that number.

When you need to allow traffic for a specific user or group of users, you use a port rule. A port rule allows traffic for a specific user or group of users on a specific port.

You can create a port rule by opening a port on the firewall, and then specifying the IP address or host name of the computer that you want to allow traffic to flow to and from.