
An in-depth look at the best web application firewall

There are a number of different types of web application firewalls available on the market today. However, the best one for most people will likely be a combination of a few different firewalls.

The most important thing to consider when selecting a web application firewall is the type of traffic it will be protecting. A firewall that is designed to protect against HTTP traffic will not be effective at protecting against traffic that uses HTTPS.

A firewall that is designed to protect against traffic from the internet will not be effective at protecting against traffic that comes from within the organization.

The next important factor to consider is the features of the firewall. Some firewalls offer features such as intrusion detection and prevention, application layer security, and web application security.

The final consideration is the price of the firewall. The best web application firewall will likely cost more than a firewall that is designed to protect against only certain types of traffic.

However, the increased functionality and the fact that the firewall will protect against a wider range of attacks make the best firewall a better investment.