
Choosing the right protocol to use on IPVanish can be a daunting task. But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

There are a few things to consider when choosing a protocol:

1. Speed: When it comes to streaming content, the faster the connection, the better. However, not all protocols are created equal.

Some, like TCP, are faster than others, but can be more prone to lag and packet loss. UDP is a good choice for general use, as it’s relatively fast and doesn’t suffer from lag or packet loss as much.

2. Security: When it comes to security, some protocols are better than others.

TCP is the most secure option, but it can take longer to connect. UDP is less secure, but is faster and doesn’t suffer from lag or packet loss as much.

3. Bandwidth: Some protocols use more bandwidth than others.

If you’re bandwidth constrained, choose a protocol that uses less bandwidth. UDP is a good option for this, as it uses less bandwidth than TCP.

Ultimately, it’s important to choose a protocol that suits your needs. TCP is a good choice for most users, as it’s relatively fast and provides a high level of security.

However, UDP is a good option for users who don’t care about security or who have a low bandwidth limit.