Is Invasion of Privacy Online Illegal?

invasion of privacy online is illegal in the United States when it involves an individual’s personal information. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) prohibits the unauthorized interception of electronic communications, including email, without the consent of the sender or recipient. Violations can result in fines and imprisonment. The ECPA also includes provisions that protect the […]

In What Sense Is Online Behavioral Targeting an Invasion of Privacy?

Online behavioral Targeting is a form of digital advertising that uses data collected from online activities, like browsing history, to Target ads to users. There is a significant debate around whether online behavioral Targeting is an invasion of privacy. Some argue that because the data collected is voluntarily submitted by users, it is not an […]

How Do I Protect My Facebook Online Privacy?

Today, Facebook is one of the most popular online platforms with over 2 billion active users. This popularity has made Facebook an attractive Target for cybercriminals, who use its platform to steal personal information, spread malware, and engage in other online crimes. Despite Facebook’s popularity, it is still possible to protect your online privacy on […]