
Chrome is a popular web browser that is used by millions of people around the world. It is a powerful tool that can be used to access the internet, but it can also be used to hide your identity and keep your privacy safe.

If you want to use Chrome to access the internet while hiding your identity and protecting your privacy, you can use a VPN proxy. VPN proxies are software that allow you to access the internet through a server that is located outside of your own country.

This can help you to bypass government censorship and protect your privacy.

To add a VPN proxy to Chrome, follow these steps:

1. Open Chrome and click the “three lines” button in the upper-right corner of the browser window.

2. Click the “Settings” button in the new window that opens.

3. Under “Advanced” settings, click the “Network” tab.

4. Under “Proxy Settings,” click the “New Proxy Server” button.

5. Type the IP address of the VPN proxy server into the “Proxy Server” field.

6. Type the port number of the VPN proxy server into the “Port” field.

7. Click the “OK” button to save the proxy server settings.

8. Click the “Close” button to close the Settings window.

9. Click the “Connect” button to open the VPN proxy.

10. Enter the URL of the website that you want to access into the “Proxy Url” field.

11. Click the “Connect” button to open the website.

12. You will now be able to browse the internet without being tracked or monitored.