
If you want to cancel your subscription to Avast, there are a few different ways to go about it. You can either go to the Avast website and cancel your subscription, or you can contact customer support and ask them to cancel your subscription for you.

If you want to cancel your subscription online, you can go to the Avast website and click on the “Cancel My Subscription” link on the main page. This will take you to a page where you can enter your username and password to login to your account, and then click on the “Cancel My Subscription” button to cancel your subscription.

If you want to cancel your subscription by phone, you can call customer support and ask them to cancel your subscription for you. You can find the customer service phone number on the Avast website under the “Contact Us” tab, and you can call them toll-free from anywhere in the world.

Once you have contacted customer support and they have cancelled your subscription for you, your account will be cancelled and you won’t be able to use any of the features of the Avast software anymore.

In conclusion, if you want to cancel your subscription to Avast, there are a few different ways to go about it.