
If you have decided that CyberGhost is not the VPN service for you, there are a few ways to cancel your account.

Cancel Your Subscription
The first step is to cancel your subscription. To do this, go to the CyberGhost website and login. Under the “Account” tab, click on the “Cancel subscription” button. After you click on the “Cancel subscription” button, you will be transferred to a confirmation page.

On the confirmation page, click on the “Confirm” button. After you click on the “Confirm” button, your subscription will be cancelled.

Cancel Your Account
If you want to cancel your account without cancelling your subscription, you can do this by logging in to the CyberGhost website and using the “My Account” tab. On the “My Account” tab, click on the “Cancel account” button. After you click on the “Cancel account” button, you will be transferred to a confirmation page. After you click on the “Confirm” button, your account will be cancelled.