
Avast antivirus is a software that is used to protect users from viruses, spyware, and other types of malware. It is a popular antivirus program and has a large user base.

Avast has a feature called AutoSettings. This feature allows users to configure the software to automatically run certain scans and updates.

Some users have reported that the AutoSettings feature in Avast causes the software to become intrusive and difficult to use. The AutoSettings feature in Avast can start automatically scanning your computer even when you are not using the software. It can also start scanning files that you do not have permission to scan.

The AutoSettings feature in Avast can also start updating the software even when you are not using the software. This can cause the software to become intrusive and slow down your computer.

Some users have found that they can disable the AutoSettings feature in Avast. They can do this by going to the Settings menu in the software and clicking on the AutoSettings button.

They can then disable the feature by clicking on the Disable button. Disabling the AutoSettings feature in Avast will stop the software from becoming intrusive and from updating automatically.