
If you are like most people, you have several subscriptions to different services. You may have a subscription to your email provider, a subscription to your cable provider, a subscription to your internet service provider, and a subscription to your antivirus service.

Managing all of these subscriptions can be a hassle.

Here are some tips to help you manage your subscriptions:

1. Create a list of your subscriptions and track which services they are for.

2. Set up automatic renewals for your subscriptions.

3. Use a service like Avast! Premier to manage all of your subscriptions and get notifications when your subscriptions are due.

4. Use a service like Discounts.

com to find deals on your subscriptions.

5. Use a service like Autopayment to automatically pay your subscriptions.

6. Use a service like Overwolf to manage all of your gaming subscriptions.

7. Use a service like Google Calendar to keep track of when your subscriptions are due.

8. Use a service like RescueTime to track how much time you spend on your subscriptions.

9. Use a service like GetSatisfaction to give feedback about your subscriptions.

10. Use a service like Trello to track your subscriptions and share the burden of managing them with others.


Managing your subscriptions can be a hassle, but using a few tips like these can make it easier. Using a service like Avast! Premier can help you get notifications when your subscriptions are due, and using a service like Autopayment can make it easier to automatically pay your subscriptions.