
The DNS lookup is a process that allows computers to find domain names and IP addresses. DNS is a hierarchical database that stores information for domain names, subdomains, and hostnames.

The DNS lookup process uses a set of domain names to find the IP addresses for a particular host. This article will provide instructions on how to perform a DNS lookup to find all DNS records configured for any domain.

To begin the DNS lookup process, access the domain name you want to research. For this example, we will use the domain name “example.

com.” To find the IP address for the “example.com” domain, we would use the following command:.

nslookup example.com

This command will return a list of all the records that are configured for the “example.com” domain. The output of this command will include the IP address for the “www.example.

com” record, as well as the IP address for the “example.com” record itself. To find the IP address for the “www.com” record, we would use the following command:.

nslookup www.com

This command will return the IP address for the “www.com” record, which is 192.168.
