
Domain names are organized into top-level domains (TLDs), such as .com, .gov, and .mil, and then into second-level domains (SLDs), such as www.example.

com. Each domain name is associated with one or more DNS servers that provide a mapping between the domain name and the IP address of the computer on which the DNS server is running. A DNS record (also known as a zone file or zone) is a file that stores the information necessary to answer DNS queries. A DNS server uses the DNS record to look up the IP address of a requested domain name.

A DNS record can contain one or more zones. A zone is a collection of DNS records that is associated with a particular TLD.

A DNS server can query a DNS server for the zone for a particular TLD. A DNS server can also query a DNS server for the zone for a particular domain name.

A DNS server can also create and store DNS records. A DNS server can create a DNS record for a domain name if the DNS server does not have a record for the domain name.

A DNS server can also create a DNS record for a domain name if the DNS server has a record for the domain name but the DNS server does not have a record for the IP address of the computer on which the DNS server is running.

A DNS server can also delete a DNS record. A DNS server can delete a DNS record if the DNS server no longer needs the DNS record.